Illinois Thermal Imaging Services» Thermal Roofscan

Traditionally roof leaks, especially in commercial and industrial buildings, have been very difficult locate and repair. In many instances, random roof patching has become the norm in an attempt to preventĀ  further damage due to moisture intrusion. The obvious problem with this practice is that it is virtually impossible to know where the moisture damage has occurred and how extensive it may be. Utilizing infrared cameras and moisture detecting meters, we can locate and identify areas of trapped moisture so that they can be surgically repaired.

By using infrared thermography, we find the trapped moisture and mark the wet areas so that repairs can be made surgically. This can save you money because you may not have to replace the roof as soon. By marking paint directly on the roof, repair areas can be seen by anyone standing on the roofs after the survey is performed.

How it works

During the day, the sun radiates energy onto the roof and into the roof substrate, and then at night, the roof radiates the heat back into outer space. This is called radiational cooling. Areas of the roof that are of a higher mass (wet) retain this heat longer than that of the lower mass (dry) areas. Infrared imagers can detect this heat and "see" the warmer, higher mass areas, during the "window" of uneven heat dissipation. Heat loss and other IR services can be performed at the same time.

By using the information generated by a RoofScanIR report, the owner's roofing professional can recommend cost-effective removal and replacement of wet components and draw documents to prepare an adequate roofing substrate to receive a recover installation to extend the satisfactory roofing system's service life .

Why RoofScanIR?

We create detailed, high-quality and easy to understand reports documenting roof moisture. Roof professionals can then use the information to verify the wet areas and write specifications to repair the roof.


Aerial Surveys and Reports:

This image is an example of an aerial survey. It contains typical report imagery and CAD moisture location layout.


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Peerless Thermal Imaging Solutions Inc. • 847-323-5372